You shanked my Jengajam
I have to get up in 6.5 hours and I'm wide awake, partially because of the 10 hours I slept last night and partially because of these damn birds outside my window. For the past two weeks, every night starting around 11:30, they start their incessant chirpping and don't let up until the sun comes up. Music doesn't help, closing the window doesn't help, earplugs don't help. The only thing that blocks em out completely is a combination of all three combined with a pillow over my head...and that's not the most comfortable way to sleep...the most comfortable way to sleep is, of course, on top of a pile of money with many beautiful ladies ^_^
If you haven't noticed, I'm using capital letters today. This is due to a concious effort on my part to make this thing just a little more readable. I like typing without caps(as anyone who's ever IM'ed me knows) but it is more difficult to read. So to the four or five people reading this: you're welcome.
Speaking of people reading this, here's some links for you folks to check out:
(for some reason the hyperlinks in blogger aren't working, so just copy and paste the urls for now)
Reid's Blog...The Mud Buddha is a jolly sort of bloke from the mystical and far away realm of Rock-upon-Ford. He is possibly sillier than me, but his demeanor can change in the blink of an eye due to chronic VGF(Video Game Frustration).
Adam's Blog...Adam is an odd one. He has the power to tame wild cats and often beats on his chest for some reason. He has enough movies to open up his own Blockbuster and wears shorts 300 days a year. He is recently sober(congratulations!) and more recently employed(bastard). Read his (much more coherent than mine) ramblings here:
Vanessa's Blog...Vanessa, or 'Nessa, or 'Ness, or just "V" if you're really lazy, is apparently a punk rock grrrrl from the always rockin' state of WV, but I don't buy it;) Currently residing in NC, we have only recently been communicating again(you know how it is), so I can't really tell you too much that her Blog can't:
JT's Dope Shit...John's World only has a "coming soon" graphic right now, but my man's been bizzy in tha hizzy hockin them cell phones to junior high kids at tha big W. Once he takes a break from chasing Ben Folds around the east coast and updates his site, I'm sure it'll be sicker than a Tupac dedication to Biggie:
Bob and Friends' Music Group...Bob, Justin, and I have some music in the "Files" section on the left side of the page. We were messing around with Reason awhile back and threw this up to swap songs. Unfortunately Yahoo! has a 20MB limit on total files, so until Reid gets his server working, we can't upload too much:
If you are reading this and have a site you want me to link to, let me know at
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