If you can have 'em any time, why are they called Breakfast Treats?
MUSIC: Beastie Boys - Three the Hard Way
Behold! A day off! This is seriously the first day off I've had since July 11th. I wish I could say that a lot has happened since then, but all I've been doing is working...two 73 hour weeks back-to-back...last week had three 15 hour days...it's been crazy. I've been working on two games, which they don't really let people do anymore, but I'm an exception since I'm supabad...Actually, game A wasn't done yet when I got pulled over to game B, but I've been doing overtime and weekends on game A, which is pretty much done.
Today I slept till 3pm and it was fucking incredible.
Let it be known to the world that I am now the proud owner of one Beastie Boys ticket...September 14th, baby! Opening act is a man, his name Qweli...I mean Talib, lyrics stick to ya ribs. So unless Mike D breaks another appendage before then, my holy triumverant of Underworld/KMFDM/Beastie Boys live shows will finally be complete. Any concert I go to after that will just be extra cheese.
I am now Ikea's bitch. I'm really not too fond of their stuff, and I get lost in there every time I go(honestly, stores should not need to have shortcuts), but it's decent and cheap...and cheap is good. The main problem is that once you buy one piece of Ikea furniture, you have to buy the rest of the room there, too, or the whole thing just falls apart...you can't even go and buy a Dude rug to tie the room together...it's untieable.
So I have a keen little photo bar at the top now...I wish I knew more html, cuz I couldn't figure out how to put text underneath it without a really ugly wrap occuring mid-sentence. I scoured the vast illarchives to find photos worthy enough to be burned into the retinas of many a blog-viewer for eons to come, so if perchance your mug was included, feel honored muthafucka.
Now that my shedule(c ommitted purposefully so, pronounce it how it looks) isn't going to be as crazy, maybe there'll be more regular updates. I have learned to never promise any web activity ever again, so I won't say for certain that updates will be flowing like fine funky wine, but as I'll soon have free time and no life outside work...well, you do the calculus.
til then, I'm out, I'm ghost, I'm gone...
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