Hell of a week…
MUSIC: DJ Shadow/Cut Chemist/NuMark – Pushin’ Buttons
What to say, what to say?
I’ll say that sometimes life is too fucking weird…and sometimes you can find perspective and understanding in the damndest of places. I’ll spare you the details, because frankly, they’re private. I got the new Ben Folds album last week and it wasn’t until sometime Saturday night that it gelled...not the words so much, but god, the tone and mood of music is sometimes so fitting that it seems written just for you, just for then.(I still hate track 5 though:P)
I talked to someone today that until recently I kinda thought I might not ever again. Saturday night I had the impetus to call and it was the best thing...the most eye-opening and rewarding talks I’ve had in awhile. You can’t keep shit inside, you can’t dwell for too long, and you can’t let pride(or the illusion of it) get in the way of finding perspective, finding help, and finding point-of-view.
I’m not really sure what the purpose of me typing this out is exactly. I guess I’m saying that not only do you sometimes need to take a long, hard look at yourself, but sometimes you need someone else to do it for you.
On a completely unrelated topic(applause), I’m gonna say “better never than late” on the Vulgarthon report part 2. If you want to read a far better recap than this sappy bastard could ever pen(or type), checkka checkka here.
I will, however, post up the rest of the pics I took like so:

Chasing Amy cast reunion Q&A panel, for the upcoming 10th anniversary DVD.

La piece de resistance. I look so sickly in this pic. I guess sitting in a theatre for 14+ hours eating concession stand food gives one a temporary case of scurvy.
Til next time...
“Think of me any way you want. I can be the problem if that’s easier.”
Peace out y’all.
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