For all I know, it could give you superpowers...or kill you instantly.
MUSIC: Depeche Mode - Painkiller (DJ Shadow's Kill the Pain mix)
So, hopefully I'm not one of these people that Mr. James Lucas doesn't want blogging anymore. Tough titty if that's the case, cuz I'm back. I had a rather weird but overall enjoyable Xmas in Vegas and now it's that odd week inbetwixt Xmas and the New Year when everyone's at work but nobody's working. I think I'll take a book tomorrow...
Speaking of work, I (luckily) just missed witnessing a "gnarly" injury in the building today. Seems some guy from I.T. (that's Incredibly 'Tarded, and not Information Technology in this gentleman's case) was sliding down the over-one-story-long railing for the stairs from the 3rd floor and slid off it, landed, and snapped his arm off at the elbow. I'm talking bone fragments in the carpet, no bleeding, Fox's World's Most Icky Moments Caught on Tape: 5 kinda injury. And it happened about a minute after I walked past that very spot. In any case, my rail-sliding days are now, sadly, at an end.
I, like most of my peers, have been sucked into the World of Warcraft. Having not played PC games (in a non-work setting) in many years, or an MMORPG ever, I had resolved not to get involved in the realm of Azeroth. Fortunately, the 'ole girl came through with a whopping big Xmas-style check, and one new computer later, I am no longer Phil from 8 to 11 each night, but a Night Elf hunter named Æxelon. I now roam the forest with my trusty sabertoothed sidekick Cranberry(coincidence?), bow in hand, risking life and limb for the good folks of Teldrassil and all other Allied territories. I have embraced my nerd-dom, folks, and it's fun as hell. The downside of all this adventuring is that my unwatched dvd/unplayed Xbox games stack isn't really making much progress. Even my weekly comic pile is backed up. Ah, for more hours in the day.
Question: Does anyone actually celebrate New Year's Eve? For the past several I have always thought of doing something fun and then never have. And anyone I ask says they prefer a quiet night at home. Do I just have lame friends? Are they going to some super-secret party that I'm not invited to? I mean, I read about events in the paper and see the mass amounts of folks on TV in Times Square and whatnot, but as far as I can tell it's just another night. The one time I actually went to a bar that had such an event, only like 10 people showed up. Are all bars like this? Is that why people don't go the next year? Am I just plain wrong? In any case, I think I might just find some folks to play cards with or maybe do a double-feature at the movies. I don't think it's wrong not to party on the biggest party night of the year, but maybe that's just sour grapes...what do y'all think?
I've never made a resolution before, so I'm going to this year...nothing that sounds too crazy, but it just might be harder than I realize; I am going to give up soda...altogether. Not that I'm a big fat guy, but I'd like to lose some gut and soda is just empty calories. I only have one a day usually, but I've heard that totally stopping can lose one 5-10 pounds, so we'll see. I figure it'll be interesting to try and deny something that I'm so used to and see what happens. Wish me luck.
Oh yeah, there just might be a story of the introduction of the origin of the tale of Bob vs. The Italian Meats(T.I.M.) forthcoming...or there might not. We shall see, won't we?
And just to keep the content flowing, here's a lil somethin-somethin I did a while back. I love Photoshop.

Til next time,
May the people you talk to from high school not disappoint you;)
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