I’m a whole damn town!

MUSIC: 679 Records – Run the Road
I am finally emerging from over a week of being sick. It’d been a few years, so certainly I was due...damn it sucked though. I ended up missing most of E3 because of it, too, which was the worst part.
I went to E3 on Weds, the first day, but I really shouldn’t have. My throat wasn’t fully recovered and I ended up jacking my voice up even more.
We(me and the work peeps) got there around 11 and the line was crazy…and this was for people like us who already had badges…the line was for badge holders, which were color coded based on how important you are. Why the didn’t mail the holders with the badges, I don’t know. But waiting in the sun for an hour wasn’t a good preamble to being on one’s feet all day.
When we got inside, all I did was wander around, amazed at the sheer size of the thing. Seriously, I think it was bigger than Comicon. And being video games, much more flashy…and LOUD. So I just walked the floor, taking note of where all the interesting stuff was, intent on coming back to the good booths to demo games and take pictures in the next two days. Unfortunately, and no diss to these folks; it was good to see yall, but every 10 minutes I kept seeing someone and stopped to talk, or shout rather, for a few minutes. I didn’t even realize how bad my voice was until I saw someone out in the hallway and heard this weird croak/rasp come out of my mouth. Soon after, the hacking cough started and with being on my feet for so long and being all sweaty, it was not a good time. The show didn’t close til 6 that day, but by 4 I was more than ready to go. As for cool stuff I saw, the new Xbox 360 looks the coolest of the bunch to me. The PS3 and Revolution are sleak, but kinda boring…I like buttons and lightsJ The Microsoft booth was really impressive, with most of the demo stations housed in circles for players to sit in. There was a big catwalk and executive lounge type room on the upper section, housed inside a giant Xbox. Couldn’t get in, so I don’t know what was inside.
The new Zelda seemed very cool…but having not played the last few, I doubt I’ll get into this one either. DanceDance Revolution: Mario Mix is exactly what it sounds like, DDR with Mario songs and characters. That might be a purchase…I’m not sure yet.
Shadow of the Colossus still seems like it’ll be fun, but the demo was on a really bad LCD screen and it was obviously still not finished.
I think the game I’m looking forward to most right now is Coded Arms for the PSP. Lumines is still holding strong, but I am ready to get some multiplayer action going on this thing. I played it briefly and it controlled really well. Hope it’s good.
The next Tony Hawk(American Wasteland) is supposed to take place in good ole LA, so maybe I’ll get to grind and ollie outside my apartmentJ I’m not sure if it’s going to be really LA or just an approximation like True Crime had, but either way, Tony Hawk is Tony Hawk. Anyway, if you want to read a good E3 wrapup, go Gamespot or IGN or something…since I never made it back to the show, I can’t really say much more.
See, because I fucked up my throat so thoroughly on Weds, instead of going back on Thrs, I instead tried to go to the doctor. Called up in the morning, couldn’t get an appointment, and was told to go to “Urgent Care”…what the office failed to tell me on the phone, however, was that “Urgent Care” didn’t open until 2. How exactly that is urgent, I haven’t figured out. Anyway, I get down there, find out they don’t open for 4 hours and so I have to kill some time…so being Thursday morning, I decided to take in some Star Wars. Short review: it’s goddamned good.
Friday morning we got set up the bomb at work, with tons of stuff to do that needed done immediately. So I never made it back to E3 and I was fairly pissed off for awhile. My first time and I had to go and get sick.
Til next time,
Brush your fucking teeth.